The Filmography of Michelle Trachtenberg: ‘Truth or Scare’Welcome to a new series on the filmography of actress Michelle Trachtenberg. For obvious reasons, I have decided to dust off my old column…Feb 27Feb 27
The Strange History of ‘Cycle of the Werewolf’ and ‘Silver Bullet’In the early 1980s, Stephen King was at the top of his game. Sure, Carrie had been something of an overnight hit, but it wasn’t until the…Feb 14Feb 14
‘Freddy vs. Jason’ Marked a Loving Farewell to an Era of SlashersWhen we think of summer blockbusters, we tend to think of a certain type of movie. Things like Jurassic Park, Batman, Spider-Man, you name…Feb 12Feb 12
Breaking Down the ‘Freddy vs. Jason’ Mall Battle We Never Got to SeeFreddy vs. Jason is an absolute blast, as stylish as it is silly, and at the end of the day is probably the best version of that movie we…Feb 12Feb 12
That Goalie Was Pissed: Why Jason Voorhees is the Final Girl of ‘Freddy vs. Jason’In horror movies, the “final girl” is traditionally the last one standing. She is tormented by a monster, physically, often…Feb 12Feb 12
The Occult Imagery of ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is, alongside The Exorcist, the most infamous, notorious horror movie ever made. That’s ironic, considering…Feb 11Feb 11
‘Jurassic Park III’ is a Big-Budget Midnight Monster MovieJurassic Park is one of the best blockbusters ever made so, naturally, any attempt to make a sequel had an uphill battle from the very…Feb 10Feb 10
‘The Lost World: Jurassic Park’ is Steven Spielberg’s ‘King Kong’Jurassic Park is my earliest movie memory. I even have dim memories of the hype surrounding it coming out, even though I was four and…Feb 10Feb 10
Man Out of Time: Revisiting Albert Pyun’s ‘Captain America’I was not a terribly discerning fan when it came to comic book movies as a kid. I couldn’t afford to be, because we had so few. And I…Feb 7Feb 7
‘The Trial of the Incredible Hulk’ Was Marvel’s First Faithful Superhero AdaptationMarvel began bringing their characters to live action in the 1970s, unless you count the Captain America serial from the 1940s, before…Feb 6Feb 6